
Batman Arkham Asylum

Easter Egg in Arkham Asylum

Building a Better Gotham: A very hidden away room was announced via podcast not too long ago, disclosing the location of a super secret room that the developers put in that gave some hints away about the sequel. It’s a secret Warden’s Office, very nifty, and very cool to have something like this pop up […] more

Hot Sale – Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

Hot Sale – Batman Arkham Asylum: Game of the Year   Batman is back folks. To those who haven’t tried this game, it’s absolutely a must play and the game of the year edition sounds even better! Here’s a snippet of the official press release from Eidos (creators of the game). Batman: Arkham Asylum Game […] more

Batman Arkham Asylum Upgrade List

Batman Arkham Asylum Upgrade List   In Batman Arkham Asylum the 20 Waynetech upgrades are divided up into 4 categories. 6 Combat upgrades, 4 armor upgrades, 6 Batarang upgrades and lastly 4 tech upgrades. The following is a complete upgrade list of each upgrade (in no particular order) and we’ve decided to throw in some […] more