
FPS Strategy

Use mIRC to find FPS scrims or ringers!

Learn, setup and install mIRC to find scrims and ringers for your favorite competitive First Person Shooters! more

The accusations are endless

You’re kicking ass and chewing bubblegum, hell, you even just ran out of bubblegum.. The next thing you know everyone and their dog is calling you a f’ing cheater, a no skill hack. This makes you angry.. they won’t like you when you’re angry!!! Cool down Hulkster, chances are, this is exactly what those noobs […] more

Can you dodge a bullet?

Bullet dodging is difficult to master, but a highly effective skills to learn. Impossible you say? Well, technically yes… you can’t really dodge a bullet, but what you can do is learn to dodge an opponent’s trigger finger. His hands are no faster than yours, it’s just the timing. Of course this tactic wont save […] more

3 coffee-break tips to becoming a better player

Tip#1: Lead your shots Unless you’re a flick-shot master, when aiming, it is very important to lead your cross-hair ever so slightly in front of moving targets. The reason for this is that you can predict exactly where your target will be in the next millisecond, and not need to adjust your aim to compensate. […] more

Test your aim, sv_showimpacts 1

Know where your bullets are going When people spray through doors, usually they have no idea where their bullets are traveling. To be an amazing player in Counter-strike 1.6 and Counter-strike Source, it’s important to know the in’s and out’s of each weapon, how the bullets react, and what walls you can shoot through. Few […] more

The element of surprise

Being unpredictable in First Person Shooters There’s no better way to get kills. When you catch your enemy by surprise you have complete control of the fight. If you attack your opponent while your location is unknown to them, you will have the advantage of superior reaction time. Even the fastest of players will not […] more

Key Binding Setup, ESDF not WASD

ESDF, WASD what? If you have no idea what “WASD” or “ESDF” stand for, they’re simply a set of keys used to move around in first person shooters. For example, in a “WASD” setup, the “W” represents forward, the “S” backwards, and the “A” and “D” keys represent strafing left or right accordingly. This has […] more

“The secret rule” to headshots

What Secret rule? I could drive this point home over and over again in the minds of average cs players. It seems so simple, but this rule is what separates the good from the bad. The elite from the average. In fact, ancient civilizations have known about this secret for thousands of generations. Their soldiers […] more

Pulling out of Slumps

It happens to everyone at some point. You’re at the top of your game, feeling unstoppable. You’ve just clutched the last 3 rounds, it seems no one can take away your momentum. Then your enemy gets a lucky head-shot on you, then another, and another. Suddenly you find yourself doubting your abilities and believing your […] more

How to improve your reaction time

Learning to react like a god Reaction time is critical in Counter-strike source for obvious reasons. In the end, Counter-strike source all boils down to who can kill who faster. If you have faster reflexes than your opponent, you have more time to aim, thus have a higher likelihood of killing them first. Before getting […] more