Introduction to Angles
What are angles?
The term "angle" in Counter-strike is used to define one's line-of-sight in the game. The better your angle, the better line-of-sight you will have on your target(s).
Most players do not realize that having a bad angle may make them visible to their opponent(s) even if they cannot see them. This is why knowing angles on every map is important. The good news is that once you understand how angles work, you'll minimize times when you'll be shot from places you could not see.
In the examples below, the terrorist on dust2 can clearly see the counter-terrorist, yet the counter-terrorist cannot see the terrorist. The terrorists have the angle advantage.
The problem the CT faces is that he is much closer to the obstacle(double-doors) blocking his line-of-sight, than that of the terrorist. Because the terrorist is much further away from the double-doors, he has a much greater angle of sight, and is able to pick off the CT much easier. Therefore, in dust2, the terrorists have a superior advantage through middle; only an extremely skilled CT awper should dare pick the terrorists.
The general rule
There is a general rule to follow to maximize your angle of sight:
"It is better to be as far back as possible from a obstacle(corner) than to be close up."
It is important that you understand that this rule only applies if your opponent is "playing the same angle". If you and your opponent have different obstructions blocking your line-of-sight, being further away could be a disadvantage. This is why it's of key importance to know and learn the angles for every map; where to stand to maximize your angle of sight.
In future articles i will go over this in much more depth; they will cover the best angles for the most popular maps in order for you to maximize your angles.